Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the latter part of Spring term, we have some wonderful things planned this half term including STEM week, Book Week, badminton and some fun Easter related activities.
Miss Sewell, our teaching assistant will be part of Year 3 on Mondays and Tuesday, Mrs Ridley will be with us Wednesdays - Fridays.
Here are our class details:
Reading books
On Mondays, children bring their books and diaries to school. We use diaries to record progress in reading and to communicate further with families and staff check the diaries every day. Children take two books home to read throughout the week, one is a levelled reading book and one is a book of choice for the class library. We also ask you to help us support which area of reading we are focussing on that week. Further details of this can be found in your child's diary. We really encourage reading at home and are proud of the enjoyment our class take in reading for pleasure.
Water bottles
Children bring in water bottles on Mondays which are kept in school throughout the week.
Children may bring in a small fruit snack for break.
Wellies / outdoor shoes
We are fortunate to have beautiful grounds at Ovingham CE First School and we use them at every possible opportunity, whatever the weather! We ask that children have a pair of labelled wellies or sturdy outdoor shoes that are kept in school for these occasions.
We do PE on a Monday, please can children bring in PE Kit this day to change into. This term we will be doing badminton.
On Wednesdays, children have PE with NUFC - Children come in PE clothes this day to maximise time with our excellent NUFC coaches.
Spellings will be posted weekly on Spelling Shed and should be practised regularly. Your support in helping your child with this and exploring VIPERs in their reading is greatly appreciated. Times Table Rocks stars is also available to help your child practise multiplication tables. If you need a reminder for passwords for either of these applications then do let us know.
Learning this half term: