SEND - Aims and Equal Access in Science

Aims - How are we providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including SEND, allowing them all to make progress from their individual starting points? 
  • We must be aware that a child’s scientific ability and enquiring mind is not directly related to their writing or maths ability. 

  • Children should be given the opportunity to create their own investigations with support appropriate to their SEN learning barriers. 

  • Children must be given the opportunity to ask their own questions as well as complete teacher-led enquiries.

Equal access - How are we adapting  each subject in order to help all pupils, including those with SEND, to make progress from their starting point?
  • Know more/Remember more - Each lesson begins with a recap of facts and key vocabulary from prior sessions.

  • Child friendly knowledge organisers to be supplied to SEN children to keep in their science books for reference throughout. This will help to remind them of key vocabulary 

  • Children to work in mixed ability groups when conducting scientific investigations with teacher/TA overseeing groups and offering assistance when required. 

  • When writing up investigations, children can be supplied with an investigation sheet. Key vocabulary and picture clues to be used to help them to organise their ideas and findings clearly. 

  • Classroom displays / working walls are used as visual prompts; they include facts, images, key vocabulary and child friendly definitions.