SEND - Aims and Equal Access in Computing

  • Computing opportunities provide children with the opportunity to explore technologies that are becoming part of our children’s day to day life.
  • In addition to computing lessons, computers are used throughout all aspects of learning all children from Early Years through to Key Stage Two.
  • Historically, SEND children can achieve and sometimes exceed their peers when completing computing tasks.

Equal Access:

  • A spiral curriculum (revisit and revise). At the start of each lesson teaching staff revisit vocabulary and key facts that the children have learnt so far. Reinforcing the expected outcome so that they have a clear idea of their journey.
  • Pictorial guidance is used when required. Teachers also model the task to the children, this enables the children to take responsibility for their own learning and build their confidence within computing.
  • Opportunities are provided throughout the lesson for children to discuss the task and talk about what they have learnt during the session.
  • Staff members are flexible in regards to providing additional time for children with SEND and ensure that accessible resources are provided to support all children. This includes amending equipment or ensuring specialist resources are provided where required to enable all children full access to their learning.