Collective Worship

Collective Worship
Daily Collective Worship is at the centre of our school life; it is a regular and valuable opportunity to explore our core Christian Values and topical issues through hymns, stories and group discussions. Worship is distinctly Christian and follows Christian liturgy, including a greeting, a reading, a hymn, and a prayer.
In addition to Worship, we have four Church services to celebrate Christian festivals: Harvest, Christmas, Easter and a special service to say goodbye to Year Four in the summer.
Friday Worship with Fr. Tom
Collective Worship on Friday is extra special to us at Ovingham CE First School as we are joined by Fr. Tom, our parish priest.  Fr. Tom leads us in prayer and reflection on our Christian Values and weekly topics in school. 
Fr. Tom can always be relied on to bring with him some interesting visual aids to illustrate his messages. Among our favourites are the memorable glowsticks, playdough, pink water and police helmet!
Friday Worship is concluded with celebrations of successes throughout the week. Children show work they are proud of, the weekly House Points trophy is awarded and birthday milestones are celebrated.  
Worship through Song
Every Wednesday Worship is through song. Children learn and discuss hymns and how they reflect our Christian beliefs and values.  
Daily Collective Worship is also an opportunity for our children to regularly listen to a wide and diverse range of music. Each week we explore music through different themes.