Hello and welcome back.
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break.
Here are some key pieces of information about the class routines for this year.
The adults working in Year 4 are Mrs Baty, Miss Bell, and splitting their time is Mrs Lognonne
(Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Langley (Thursday and Friday).
Reading books, book bags and diaries
Here are some key pieces of information about the class routines for this year.
The adults working in Year 4 are Mrs Baty, Miss Bell, and splitting their time is Mrs Lognonne
(Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Langley (Thursday and Friday).
Reading books, book bags and diaries
Children take two books home on a Monday to be read throughout the week. One is a levelled
reading book (my book) and one is a book of choice from the class library (our book). There will be a
reading focus each week and guidance on the VIPERS reading scheme can be found in your child's
diary. We really encourage reading at home and are proud of the enjoyment our class take in reading
for pleasure. It really makes a difference if children can read a little each day. Talking about the
content of what your child is reading really helps with comprehension, which is just as important as
Book bags and diaries should be brought into school each day. Any messages can be written in the
diary or sent via the school office by phoning 01661 832581 or emailing
admin@ovinghamfirst.northumberland.sch.uk. Alternatively, you can catch me most mornings, on the
yard, before school.
Water bottles
Children bring in water bottles on Mondays, which should be kept in school throughout the week.
Wellies / outdoor shoes
We are fortunate to have beautiful grounds at Ovingham CE First School and we use them at every
possible opportunity, whatever the weather! We ask that children have a pair of wellies or sturdy
outdoor shoes that are kept in school for these occasions.
On Monday afternoon children will attend a swimming lesson at Prudhoe Waterworld. Therefore,
swimming costumes and towels will need to be brought in on this day.
Our Wednesday PE session will continue to be delivered by the NUFC Foundation. Children should
come into school in their full PE kits each Wednesday to maximise the time with the NUFC coaches.
Spellings will be posted weekly on Spelling Shed and times tables should be practised regularly on
Times Tables Rockstars. Your support in helping your child to complete these tasks would be greatly
Many thanks
Mrs Baty