A spiral curriculum (revisit and revise) - Each lesson begins with a recap of facts and key vocabulary from prior sessions. This will give children with SEN more time and opportunities to understand the concepts and vital knowledge they need to access the learning.
Child friendly knowledge organisers to be supplied to SEN children to keep in their science books for reference throughout. This will help to remind them of key vocabulary.
Children to work in mixed ability groups with teacher/TA overseeing groups and offering assistance when required.
Check in - For children with SEN, a history/geography lesson can be overwhelming with all the new information they are given as well as trying to comprehend ideas that may be new to them. TA/teacher will check in with these children throughout the lesson, discussing what they do understand and explaining any language, facts or ideas they are finding challenging.
Classroom displays / working walls are used as visual prompts; they include facts, images, key vocabulary and child friendly definitions. We refer to these regularly and encourage children with SEN to use these if they are unsure in lessons.
Aims - How are we providing an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including SEND, allowing them all to make progress from their individual starting points?
We need to be ambitious about what our children with SEN can achieve and not believe their ability is ‘fixed’ for every subject. While we should take into consideration their barriers to learning, we shouldn't let these limit their opportunities - just because they find reading difficult, it doesn't mean that they won’t be able to interpret Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics or read a map.
Equal access - How are we adapting each subject in order to help all pupils, including those with SEND, to make progress from their starting point?