SEND - Aims and Equal Access in RE

To have high expectations of what an SEN child can understand or explain during a RE lesson. RE is a chance for them to explain their own thoughts and beliefs which isn’t limited to ability. Individual children’s barriers should be considered for the specific support needed however; linking the concrete with the abstract should allow all children to understand other’s beliefs as well as explaining their own.
Equal access 
  • Visual links to keywords / festivals / artefacts for help recalling key parts of a religions beliefs

  • Use of artefacts to help chn to make links with the concepts / belief of a religion

  • Spiral curriculum to allow chn to make links to previous religions that they have learnt about throughout their time at school.

  • Pair children with more able pupils to encourage conversations when discussing their own opinions or beliefs. 

  • Revisiting the key facts / vocabulary at the start of each lesson.

  • Knowledge organiser for each lesson with key facts to refer to in independent work  

  • Support with being able to share their opinions / beliefs clearly to their their peers